X13 VSA Voice Lie Detector Software Protect Yourself from Lies Theft and Fraud

Voice Stress Analysis is a type of lie detector which measures stress in a persons voice. That makes it recordable, and means it can be used on tape recordings older than VSA technology itself is. The use of Voice Stress Analysis (VSA) as a lie detector became popular in the late 1970s and 80s. Today is Voice-stress analysis, an alternative to the polygraph as a method for lie detection, is already widely used in police and insurance fraud investigations and by other organizations.

X13-VSA Voice Lie Detector Software - Protect Yourself from Lies, Theft and Fraud

In both principle and execution Voice Stress Analysis (VSA) is a simple technology. Researchers found that frequencies in the human voice in the 8 to 12 Hz range are sensitive to honesty. When a person is being honest the average sound in that range is generally below 10 Hz, but is usually above 10 Hz in dishonest situations.

All muscles in the body, including the vocal chords, vibrate in the 8 to 12 Hz range. This is considered a feedback loop, similar to a thermostat/heater that will maintain an average temperature by raising the temperature a little above the setting, switch off, and not come back on until the temp is a little below it. Just as the temperature swings up and down over time, so too do the muscles tighten and loosen as they seek to maintain a constant tension.

This is known to be caused by the production and release of a chemical, as explained in the Scientific American Article "Psychological Tremor" Vol. 224, No. 3, 1971. In moments of stress, like when you tell a lie that you dare not get caught at, the body prepares for fight or flight by increasing the readyness of its muscles to spring into action. Their vibration increases from the relaxed 8 to 9 Hz, to the stressful 11 to 12 Hz range.

Such vibrations are a measure of stress, levels of which change from moment to moment. Everybody knows that stress, also known as anxiety or being up-tight, can be brought on by a simple thought or memory; of a loved ones passing on, for example, or suddenly remembering some dangerous obsticle in the future. Some people have high average stress levels, and some have low, and averages changes from day to day along with mood. What all people have in common is that their stress levels are constantly changing within their current range, changes which indicate the "percieved jeopardy" or "danger" of statements being made. A lie is often dangerous, humiliating, or injurous to get caught at, so lies tend to stand out on stress measurments.

The X13-VSA is a revolutionary new software product that work with your PC or laptop computer for quick and reliable recorded truth verification. Anyone with a computer can use it. X13-VSA looks for changes in voice tone and frequency and performs thousands of mathematical calculations to identify signs that someone could be lying. You will be in a position to detect deception and verify the truth and you can record conversations for later analysis. You may analyze from TV or radio, or even in a face-to-face conversation, without the subject being aware.

X13-VSA tell you if someone is telling the truth. Does your partner really love you? X13-VSA Voice Stress Analysis Lie Detector Software can help you to discover if somebody is cheating on you, being unfaithful, or having an affair.

Download X13-VSA Voice Lie Detector Software - Protect Yourself from Lies, Theft and Fraud from link below :
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